Global Mobility’s favorite Podcast. Listened to by 100s of listeners in over 30 countries.
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Paul Bennett
PerchPeek CEO

PerchPeek Pods is the only place to get the real opinions and strategies of in-house Global Mobility experts.

Listen for Perchy CEO Paul Bennett’s weekly conversations with Global Mobility’s greatest minds, diving into the unique challenges of the industry, their successes and guidance in navigating a successful Global Mobility Career.

Popular Episodes

February 19, 2024

Episode #1 - Michali Henig, LinkedIn Top Voice & GM Leader on A Career Of Building Mobility Programs

PerchPeek Pods - Global Mobility Pros

February 22, 2024

Episode #2 - Twilio's Tanya Mariottini on Driving Change, Tech and Sustainability in GM

PerchPeek Pods - Global Mobility Pros

How can you drive positive changes in GM? How do push for more sustainability in GM strategies? How do GM programs work differently across new companies?...

June 12, 2024

Episode #4 - Red Hat's Frank Belmonte - Adapting Mobility Strategy Across APAC & EMEA

PerchPeek Pods - Global Mobility Pros

How does Mobility differ between APAC and EMEA? How do you navigate the nuances of the APAC market? How do you learn Cost Of Living and tax strategy...

May 4, 2024

Episode #3 - Slaughter & May's David McAlister - Rethinking Global Mobility for the Future of Work

PerchPeek Pods - Global Mobility Pros

How does vendor experience fit into an in-house GM role? How does expat experience help craft GM policies? What is the future of GM? What are the best...

May 22, 2024

Episode #13 - With Michael Piker, Rewards & Mobility Leader - Optimising Mobility From Cost-Centric to Talent-Led Structures

PerchPeek Pods - Global Mobility Pros

How does a Talent Mobility structure differ to Global Mobility? How does a framework offer more clarity than a rigid policy? How can GM leaders transition...

May 14, 2024

Episode #12 - With Qualcomm’s Ray Kirby - Maximising The Impact Of Mobility RFPs

PerchPeek Pods - Global Mobility Pros

How do you make RFPs fit for purpose and as impactful as possible? How do you maximise the ROI of policy changes? What strategies can maximise relocator...

March 26, 2024

Episode #6 - With Baker Hughes’ Arjun Jonnalagadda - How Tech will Transform Global Mobility in the Next 5 Years

PerchPeek Pods - Global Mobility Pros

What is the role of tech in driving both agility & compliance? What is the future of integrations and how will they improve GM? How do you encourage out-of-the-...

April 30, 2024

Episode #11 - With Bolt's Liis Valdsalu : What It Takes To Build A Thriving In-House Mobility Program

PerchPeek Pods - Global Mobility Pros

How do you make in-house GM work across 40 countries? How do you find the right people to make a great in-house team? How do you attract great talent to...

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